
  • 60-Minute Memberships

    $50 - Once a month

    $99 - Twice a month

    Each session includes a free enhancement.

    No obligation. Billed month to month and can cancel anytime. Unused credits never expire and roll over.

  • 90-Minute Memberships

    $80 - Once a month

    $155 - Twice a month

    Each session includes a free enhancement.

    No obligation. Billed month to month and can cancel anytime. Unused credits never expire and roll over.

Reflexology spa memberships in Pleasant Grove UT

Monthly Memberships FAQ

  • You can purchase over the phone, or during your visit.

  • Not automatically! BUT, if you didn't come the month before and wants to use the unused credit, we can check our reports and grant you a credit if it was indeed unused.

  • You can use it for a friend if you are present. Your presence is required.